The Committee on Physics supported the initiative of the Polish Physical Society to announce Marian Smoluchowski Year

During the meeting on 26 April 2016 the Committee on Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences passed the following resolution:

„The Committee on Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences wholeheartedly supports the resolution of the Polish Physical Society from 8 September 2015 to announce the year 2017 as Marian Smoluchowski Year. This year marks the 100th anniversary of Marian Smoluchowski’s death. He was one of the greatest Polish physicists of the 20th century. His best known research confirmed the atomic theory of matter. It is worth highlighting that at the same time similar research was being conducted by Albert Einstein and the basic formula of the theory is known as Einstein-Smoluchowski equation.”

The Head of the Committee on Physics Professor Franciszek Krok issued the letter with the resolution to the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.

Letter (151.2 KB)

Letter from Committee on Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (31.2 KB)