1st Polish Students' Conference on Acoustics OSKA’2013

The Conference will Take place on 6-8 December 2013 at the Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. It is organized by the Student Acousticians Group working at this university. The main aim of th conference is popularising acoustics in Polish academic environment and establishing cooperation and exchanging experiences between institutions dealing with acoustics. It will be combined with the 100th anniversary of Marek Kwiek’s birthday, an outstanding acoustician from Poznan. 

Plenary lectures and thematic session are planned for the conference. The agenda will also include workshops and integration events. Best presentations will be awarded with the Polish Physical Society award and the materials from the conferencewill be included in the post-conference materials.

For more information go to the conference website: http://ska.home.amu.edu.pl/OSKA-2013/