Jerzy Pniewski and Leopold Infeld Colloquium - October 18, 2021

Dear Colleagues,
we cordially invite you to the Jerzy Pniewski and Leopold Infeld COLLOQUIUM of the Faculty of Physics!

We are looking forward to lectures covering a broad range of aspects of theoretical and experimental physics and related fields, awaiting us this year. This semester the Colloquium will be held in a traditional, stationary form (at least in cases when it is possible).

 The first Colloquium this academic year will be held on MONDAY, OCTOBER THE 18TH, AT 4.30 PM AT ROOM 0.03. It will be devoted to this year's Nobel Prize in Physics, which was awarded to Prof. Syukuro Manabe (Princeton University) and Prof. Klaus Hasselmann (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology) "for physical modelling of the Earth's climate, quantification of its variability and reliable prediction of global warming" and to Prof. Giorgio Parisi (University of Rome "La Sapienza") "for the discovery of the interaction of disorder and fluctuation in physical systems from the atomic to the planetary scale".

 Our guests this Monday will be:
prof. JACEK PISKOZUB (Instytut Oceanologii PAN, Sopot) and prof. PIOTR SZYMCZAK (Wydział Fizyki UW)

 Lecture abstracts will be made available at a later date.
Join us for coffee, cakes and informal discussions from 4pm.
We are open to all your feedback.
With best regards,
Barbara Badełek
Jan Chwedeńczuk
Jan Kalinowski
Jan Suffczyński