Konwersatorium/Colloquium (online) - Light-based computing 04.04.2022
On Monday, 4 APRIL, at 4.30 p.m., Jerzy Pniewski and Leopold Infeld COLLOQUIUM of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw will take place. The meeting will be exclusively ONLINE (registration required).
Our guest will be:
prof. Michał Matuszewski,
Instytut of Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw
who will give a lecture:
"Efficient optical computing with exciton-polaritons".
There are more and more suggestions that the computation of the future will utilize photons instead of, currently used, electrons. Morevoer, modern directions in information processing such, as the machine learning based on physical systems require strong non-linearities.
Exciton-polaritons being a superposition of the photon and excitation of the solid state crystal are a very promising platform in that view. The talk will highlight recent advances in photonic-based computation, in particular involving exciton-polaritons.
The abstract of the lecture can be found below this message.
*** Registration ***
o Those who registered for the Seminar on 13.12.2021 or later one do NOT have to register again.
These attendees will receive a reminder on the day of the Seminar with a link allowing them to participate in the lecture.
o Those who did not attend the previous Colloquium are asked to register for the meeting by clicking on the link:
After registering you will receive an e-mail confirmation with information on how to join the meeting.
o We strongly recommend to provide professional email addresses, not private ones, when registering.
o We encourage you not to leave registration to the last minute. Those who register late will not be guaranteed to join the meeting on time.
*** *** ***
For informal discussions, please join us starting at 4 pm.