Leopold Infeld Colloquium - December 21, 2020

the Jerzy Pniewski and Leopold Infeld Colloquium of the Faculty of Physics will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER THE 21st, at 4.30 PM.

This time we will listen to lectures by winners (ex aequo) of the professor Stefan Pieńkowski prize:

dr Anna Karnkowska (Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw), "Exploring microbial diversity to understand the evolution of eukaryotic cell".

dr Dorota Skowron (Astronomical Observatory UW), "A three-dimensional map of the Milky Way based on classical Cepheids".

The Professor Stefan Pieńkowski Award was established in 2004 for commemorating Professor Stefan Pieńkowski as the creator of the Warsaw physics school.
The initiator and main founder of the award is Marek Maria Pieńkowski, PhD, acting through the Marek Maria Pieńkowski Foundation. Co-founder of the prize is Kosciuszko Foundation. The prize is awarded by the Chapter, chaired by the Director of the Institute of Experimental Physics at Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.

The abstracts of the lectures are provided below this message.

Here is a link to the Colloquium on the Zoom platform:

Meeting ID: 938 8168 7598
Passcode: prv316

You are welcome to join the meeting 15-30 minutes before the Colloquium to talk or chat in informal atmosphere.