Instytuty fizyki, konferencje fizyczne i konkursy na stanowiska w Polsce

Instytuty Fizyki

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Konferencje Fizyczne w Polsce

Zgłoszenia organizowanych imprez prosimy przesyłać do: .

  1. Cracow Epiphany Conference on present and future of B-Physics
    9 - 11 January 2012, Kraków 
  2. 48th Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics "Cosmic Matter in Heavy-Ion Collision Laboratories"
    Lądek-Zdrój, February 4 - 11, 2012 
  3. Max Born Symposium "String Theory"
    Wrocław, April 13 - 15, 2012 
  4. International Conference PETRAD 2012 on Positron Emission Tomography in Research and Diagnostics
    Warsaw, May 16 - 19, 2012 
  5. 52. Cracow School of Theoretical Physics "Astroparticle Physics in the LHC Era"
    Zakopane, May 19 - 27, 2012
  6. 11th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science ISSRNS'2012
    20 - 25 May 2012, Kraków - Tyniec 
  7. 20th Polish Czech Seminar on Structural and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions
    21 - 25 May 2012, Ustroń 
  8. European Meeting PLANCK 2012 "From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale"
    Warsaw, May 28 - June 1, 2012 
  9. 41th "Jaszowiec" International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors
    June 8 - 15, 2012, Krynica-Zdrój 
  10. Conference Light Cone 2012 "Modern approaches to nonperturbative gauge theories and their applications"
    Cracow, July 9 - 13, 2012 
  11. Ogólnopolskie Seminarium Spektroskopii Mössbauerowskiej
    Lublin - Kazimierz Dolny, 10 - 13 czerwca 2012 
  12. 40. Polskie Seminarium Anihilacji Pozytonów
    Kazimierz Dolny, 13 - 14 czerwca 2012 
  13. Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics "Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape"
    27 August - 2 September 2012, Zakopane 
  14. 25th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics
    9 - 13 September 2012, Kraków

Konkursy na stanowiska

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