Konwersatorium Fizyczne Oddziału Krakowskiego PTF 05.11.2020
Najbliższe Konwersatorium Fizyczne Oddziału Krakowskiego PTF odbędzie się w dniu 5 listopada 2020 r. o godz. 16:15, online na platformie MS TEAMS.
Prof. Zbigniew Kąkol (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology)
wygłosi referat:
„Magnetite, fascinating material and a test ground for new theoretical and experimental techniques”.
Streszczenie: Magnetite (Fe3O4), is one the most fascinating materials that had a profound effect on human civilization. It is the oldest magnet and the first material, where a strong correlation driven metal-insulator transition takes place at T_V = 124 K, the so-called Verwey temperature. It is a promising material for spin electronics and a candidate for ultrafast, femtosecond switches. It plays also the vital role in geophysical studies. Futhermore, biogenic magnetite nanoparticles are attractive for medicine and pharmacology as a drug delivery system. Being one of canonical examples of the strongly correlated electron systems, where competing interactions are present, it has become a testing ground for both experimental and theoretical techniques. Full explanation of the Verwey transition, down to the most basic (microscopic) level, is of the utmost importance for the understanding the strong interactions in solids. In this presentation I show how different magnetite applications are interwoven with the Verwey transition. Finally, we present our recent studies on manipulation of the structure and changes of magnetite electronic order induced by magnetic field.
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