Konwersatorium Fizyczne Oddziału Krakowskiego PTF 12.05.2022

Najbliższe Konwersatorium Fizyczne OK PTF odbędzie się w dniu 12 maja 2022 r. o godz. 16:15, w sali A-1-06 Wydziału WFAIS, na III Kampusie UJ, ul. Łojasiewicza 11, 30-348 Kraków w trybie stacjonarnym.

Dr Martin Setvin (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria)
wygłosi referat:
Surfaces of complex materials: New opportunities offered by noncontact AFM”.

Novel technologies bring increasingly complex requirements on the physical and chemical properties of used materials. In accordance, increasingly complex materials are under development and stronger analytical techniques are needed. In this colloquium, I would like to present the advantages of noncontact atomic force microscopy for investigating the surfaces of nontrivial materials, specifically focusing on metal oxides. The concepts of superior spatial and chemical resolution will be demonstrated on binary oxides, such as In2O3 or TiO2. Ternary oxides, such as perovskites SrTiO3 and KTaO3, will be used for illustrating the opportunities in surface chemistry. Finally, insulating oxides like Fe2O3 will be used for studying kinetics of polarons (electric charges trapped in the crystal lattice)